Learn What Spiritual Malady Is And The Role It Plays In Your Recovery

aa spiritual malady

By embracing these steps and principles, we can experience a profound transformation and find peace and purpose in our recovery journey. The spiritual malady is the result of my being out of order with my higher power who I choose to call God. I was the director in the drama of life and managing the world so I could  get what I thought I needed to feel ok. Fear and resentment dominated my thoughts and I made decisions based on self which caused me harm and harmed others. I want to make clear to members that these thoughts are not definitive treatise on the subjects.

Personal Relationships and Recovery

aa spiritual malady

According to Alcoholics Anonymous, informally known as The Big Book, when someone with alcoholism drinks, they have an abnormal reaction likened to an allergic reaction. Once a person with AUD takes an alcoholic drink, the body craves more on a physical level. This is why 12-step organizations believe it is not possible to spiritual malady conquer alcoholism using willpower alone. The role of physical dependence and psychological addiction in alcoholism partly explain why those with alcohol use disorder are unable to moderate or discontinue use. To initiate a full and sustained recovery, it is also helpful to address the spiritual role of this disease.

Big Book of AA Definition of Alcoholic

Spending time with God and reading His word is a big part of keeping our minds healthy and grounded in truth. Spirituality is the aspect of recovery that I think most often gets overlooked. Some of us are very comfortable embracing spirituality, but for others, it feels weird or uncomfortable. “As we understood him” — which means when I speak about God, I am really referring to my own experience, which is all I know — it has been revealed to me individually.

  • From admitting powerlessness over alcohol to making a moral inventory and admitting wrongs, each step plays a crucial role in spiritual healing.
  • What activities or habits have caused harm to my physical health?
  • This spiritual malady is the restless spirit, the soul sickness that if left untreated will begin to ooze symptoms of emotional insecurity worry, anger, self-pity, and depression, even if we have been sober for years.
  • The sense of loneliness and isolation that comes with spiritual disconnection can exacerbate these challenges, making it even harder for us to maintain healthy relationships and find true solace.
  • Below is an overview of the 12 admissions that support the 12 steps toward recovery.
  • To beat their addiction, people must face the reality that there is indeed a power larger than themselves.

Take Your First Step To Recovery

When spiritual malady is overcome, a sense of wholeness and well-being can be restored. This spiritual malady, or spiritual disconnection, is the driving force behind our addiction and self-destructive behaviors. Without addressing this spiritual malady, we have absolutely no hope for intrinsic change or recovery. It is this notion that the fellowship of AA was founded upon, and how millions of recovered alcoholics equate their success in overcoming a seemingly hopeless situation.

If you are seeking drug and alcohol related addiction rehab for yourself or a loved one, the YourFirstStep.org hotline is a confidential and convenient solution. Here at California Detox in Laguna Beach, we can help you unpack the physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of alcoholism. Finally, someone explained to me that those things are not the insanity that the Big Book talks about; nor are those things why the alcoholic’s life becomes unmanageable. Sometimes it’s easier to admit our resentments against a stranger or co-worker than someone in our own family. So denial can be a pretty thick fog to break through in this area. It takes rigorous honesty, and it might require a lot of digging and peeling away of layers to start uncovering things.

  • It’s really not my mind — the mental obsession — that is the underlying root of what will take me back to drinking.
  • By embracing these steps and principles, we can experience a profound transformation and find peace and purpose in our recovery journey.
  • Grasping the way spiritual malady drives addiction is vital to break this cycle.
  • The practice of Christian Meditation offers a remedy to the spiritual malady.

Final Thoughts on Living the Spiritual Life and Recovery

Kickstart Your Recovery at California Detox in Laguna Beach, CA

  • The 12 Steps of AA encourage improving one’s conscious contact with a higher power, specifically focusing on prayer and meditation in Step 11.
  • This focus on self-love and relationships is essential for long-term sobriety.
  • Spiritual wellness involves developing a purpose in life and having a clear sense of right and wrong.

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aa spiritual malady

aa spiritual malady